Monday, 25 July 2016

Traditional Magazines Vs Online Magazines - A Short Term Win and Long Term Rout

I receive a hard copy version of Inc. magazine each month, delivered to by my friendly mailman. He's been delivering our mail to us for years. The magazine is arriving for free, though I cannot recall how or why this arrangement occurred, perhaps it was from remnant sky miles on airline programs which remained unused, or for which I'll never accrue sufficient miles for anything. I like Inc. magazine and think many of the articles are interesting and thought provoking, once you can find them. In the March 2010 issue, for example, the reader first finds content on page six with a short profile accompanied by a large photograph, on page 14 there is a letter from the editor and on page 17 there is reader mail (hopefully email).
If we want to be generous and don't refer to the inside cover as an actual page, the reader is provided with three pages of content in the first 17 pages of the magazine, or a ratio of 82% advertisements to 18% content. Continuing on to page 41, there is approximately 14 pages of content out of 24 pages, which is a happier ratio of 42% advertisements to 52% content. Overall, in the first 41 pages I found 17 pages of content which translates to roughly 40% reader content and 60% advertisement. Of course, if I had the patience, I would have analyzed all of the pages of the magazine. But a quick Google search led me to a web site called, which states that the average (traditional) magazine is about a 50/50 ratio between ads and content. Overall, I guarantee my down and dirty research to be somewhere between relatively accurate to completely anecdotal and spurious. Feel free to contact me as you browse your own magazine pages counting ads versus content should your due diligence and subsequent findings prove otherwise!
Let's compare my Inc. Magazine findings with an online magazine. I would estimate that the online magazine I review daily has a ratio of 60% content to 40% advertisements, which is much better than the paper based version of Inc., or the estimate. However, and this is an important caveat, whenever the reader selects an online article to read, content always appears. In a traditional magazine, it's somewhat more challenging, and certainly more time consuming to find the table of contents and then leaf through the publication to arrive at page 41 to read your article. We all have a propensity to browse paper based magazines page by page until an article catches our eye.
It's rare that a paper based magazine shows up at our house. From time to time we might receive a promotional copy, but our online propensity continues to grow. We receive the New York Times on Sundays though we have questioned how long we will continue to subscribe to the paper based version. Our Boston Globe and Boston magazine delivery days have long since passed. We continue to embrace a virtual and online centric manner of content consumption, which is easier, faster and more environmentally friendly. We seem to quote Yahoo, blogs, and online resources far more than we now say, "I read an interesting article in the paper."
Consequently, I think there is no doubt that online magazines are on the right track from a content and delivery standpoint. That said, there are several things they could do to enhance the reader experience. For example they could place all ads to the right of the content instead of the top and right. They could make the font bolder and more readily viewable for the average reader. They could add a more graphical reader interface, and perhaps even offer writers the ability to post photos. Nonetheless, they provide an invaluable service to writer and reader alike, offering searchable and extensive content, without charge, an opportunity for new writers to publish and an eco-friendly, non paper based delivery system that is sure to render traditional paper based magazines obsolete in the coming decade. In my opinion, though it is early in the game, the score looks like online magazines 1, paper based magazines 0, in what is almost certain to be a long term rout.

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Writing Effective (and Requisite) Essay Openers

When we write for college courses, we write for an audience other than ourselves. And it's an audience of more than one--the professor who assigned the piece. A good way to think of (and never forget) audience is to imagine we are writing the assignment for a popular magazine that sits in multiple copies on the shelves of an equally popular bookstore. For each magazine sold, pretend, we get a percentage.
Our goal, then, is to have as large and widespread a readership as possible--to hook as many browsers as we can--with an effective opener (also known as an introduction). We therefore must engage, first, before we entertain, educate, or inform.
First the Caveats and Comments on Ineffective (Bad) Openers
NO to SNORE openers - Forget burdening or alienating your readers with comments of how many people in many countries have many different ideas about life and society and all those other blah, blah, blah hard-to-wrap-the-brain-around opening commentaries...which really just send the reader off to find a more intriguing read.
NO to OBVIOUS - Similar to the snore generalizations, the obvious comments in an opener will have eyes (if not heads) rolling as readers take in the TV is mental masturbation or ads are used to manipulate us statements you can avoid--by using an old Marshall McCluhan quote or Cleo awards description, for example, instead.
NO to HYPERBOLE - Putting myself through school as a waitress, I had a number of regular customers who were writers, too, they said. They would talk at me all through my shift, reciting their best work. One insisted on reiterating his description of the verdant rolling hills that kissed the edges of the glistening waters at the feet of the majestic span of the Golden Gate Bridge...until I would get so mental I would fantasize about bringing the heft of the glistening glass coffee pot screaming down onto his head. In other words, do not exaggerate. Do not bring in heavy drama and description that will overwhelm and, again, alienate your readers. Stick with the truth. Stick with the openers that work.
We Use Modes for Engaging Openers...and I'm going to Use One Here, Out of Necessity...and Spite
I once read a how-to article on web content writing, on making a site that brings traffic (the attention of many). I had already begrudgingly given in to the understanding that web content writing is very different than academic writing--it has different goals, different audiences, and different elements that lend themselves to an 'A' piece of writing. In fact, it is so different that to write for the web we have to unravel all we have worked to weave, have to unlearn all we have learned as college English writers.
Don't Confuse Web Content/Writing and Academic Writing
So the writer of this article says to start web copy you skip the opener and go directly to the main point (what we in academia know as the thesis). Okay. This made sense, I thought, as web readers read differently: they read fast, they skim, they scan, they draw the most usable info in the shortest amount of time. (Probably the way you are reading now, hoping I get on with the point).
-I was with Mr. Web when he explained these facts.
-I was with him as he noted the research findings that back up the rationale for sacrificing good academic exposition for web text.
-And I was there with his tips and tricks, which were great...until he went too far, editorializing about writers who actually use openers:
He claimed that writers who rely on openers don't have "the courage" to just get to the point. So he lost me.

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I believe it is ethical to use the custom essay writing services. You do not still anything, you pay enough fair price for the service you use, you simply delegate the part of your work and can concentrate on what really matters to you. You are free to get an outside help and delegate your writing assignments to professional writers same as if you would get your watches fixed or car repaired by third party experts.
During my study I had several courses that I considered to be absolutely useless, I loved my major and make all writing assignments myself, but I hated Compositions, where you need to write some blah-blah-blah about your personal experiences and make 5 revisions polishing your work. I always ordered papers in such cases and haven't experienced any ethical problems with that. Instead of distressing myself I could concentrate on what I really liked.
I did some research to find out is it legal to buy essays, term papers, etc. I personally have never experienced any legal problems with using such services. I did have problems when some "trustful" custom essay writing services provided me with plagiarized papers, but it never caused any legal problems. From what I have researched I found that it can be a problem for companies that provide the service, especially for paper mills. Some states have statutes against the sale of a "term paper, essay, report, thesis or dissertation" to students. But you, as a student, cannot be detected if you use trustful custom essay writing service and you will not have any legal problems, they keep all information private.

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Reference Term Paper

Writing a good paper on reference should be studied and done by every student. As a student, you must also be creative. You should not just base your mind on looking at other papers, taking from knowledge but adding non to it. If you have been asked to compose a reference paper, the following guidelines should be of help to you:
Your reference paper must have a topic. This is necessary for your paper because it is the bases on which the whole of your research will revolve. The topic of your reference paper should be about something of great interest to you and to your readers. The topic should be narrowed towards a particular aspect in life; maybe in an aspect which you have lots of experience in. This is a way to show your teacher and your readers that you have mastered your coursework. Remember that it will be impossible to conveniently and confidently talk about what you have not mastered.
A reference paper has a good topic sentence. A good topic sentence is that which reflects the title of your research paper and brings out what runs through each of the paragraphs. Take note that there is no rule as to where to place your topic sentence. It can either be placed at the beginning of your paper, at the middle or at the end of your paper. It could be placed at the beginning of the paper to tell of what is to come in the paragraphs. It could be placed in the middle of your paper to serve as a link or transition between what you have announced and what you are still to bring out. It could be placed at the end of the paper. This third situation is rare but it is used when the writer is attempting to plead his or her case to the reader to have the same opinion with him or her. The details of the argument may be summed through the paragraphs, and then in a spectacular way, the topic sentence is introduced.
A reference paper should be able to leave an impression in the minds of the readers. Your term paper should move from a mere piece of writing to something extraordinary. Therefore, revise and edit your paper to perfect your English. Keep in mind that the ability to make mistakes is inherent in every scholar, but the ability to recognize and correct these errors is something rare. This is what makes your project a reference to other scholar.

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Why Bother Reading the Latest Research When Online Tech Magazines Summarize It All?

Reading popular tech magazines and high tech magazines online saves a lot of time. No one has the time to go through all of the scientific journals and read papers on every subject. Research papers are produced now in such mass quantity, and often universities and researchers are doing the same types of studies getting similar results, and each of their papers is published in a separate or different journal.
The other day someone had given me a slight critique and told me that the knowledge I had on various subjects was not as good as his because he read the actual scientific journals, and I only read the tech magazines summaries. That's not exactly true, I read both, but the summary type articles in a much higher percentage of course. Okay so, let's explore this thought for a second shall we?
First, there is no way that one individual can read all the scientific journals in all the different areas of science. Therefore by him only reading the scientific articles and those journals he is limited in the amount of information he takes in. Further, if I read and scan hundreds of tech magazines summaries per day I can follow all of the areas of science, and anything notable that catches the eye of a science writer. Indeed, in explaining this to my acquaintance he dismissed my notion, but I also explained to him that I could always look up the scientific research in the Journal if I read something that I wanted to pursue further.
Now then, if you are working in a very limited niche of science then perhaps you get aggravated reading some of the tech magazines summaries. Often the writers get it wrong, or don't fully understand the topic they are writing about. And since you know a lot about the individual niche subject matter you can spot mistakes right away. I noted that those research folks often leave comments explaining how a popular magazine science writer got it wrong, and what the paper actually says, and what the research indeed means.
Still, to get into that discussion and debate, which is also online in those popular magazine science articles, you have to go and read them, and then read the comments at the bottom. When you read a scientific journal, you may or may not get the follow up comments until the next issue. It seems the tech articles are a better way to communicate through summarizing. I'm sure even if you read actual journal articles you will admit that you do a lot of skipping and skimming as time is valuable, so you are really only reading be summary, conclusion, and abstract anyway - so what's the difference?
For those of us that need to know a lot about a lot of things, it seems to me that reading these summaries in the popular magazines or in the online news is probably the better way to go. So, I hereby completely dismiss the critique of those who are not of the same view. Please consider all this and think on it.

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Hurricane Wilma - Awaiting the Storm - Delray Beach, Florida

Here in Delray Beach, Florida we quietly await the arrival of Wilma. Looks like for now Monday is the day. Looking at the weather channel we could be in line for a direct hit by the eye of Wilma when it slams the east coast. I have lived in south Florida for 8 years and I don't think I will retire here. Tired of hurricanes.
Right now its a waiting game. The lines at the gas station are more than tolerable. Few homeowners have put up their hurricane shutters. I am waiting for the weekend. It will be my luck that it will heave with rain starting about the time I go to put up the aluminum shutters. I already have the bolts in place for the shutters; I had better go see if my electric screwdrive is charged.
For last years two hurricanes I was without power for a total of 12 days. To get cool I would ride around in the car with the AC on. The 12 days seemed like a year. Yes I have a good food supply, lanterns, batteries, and a 12 gauge shotgun. I did not buy a generator and I don't feel like buying one now. If I pushed it last year FEMA would have paid me back if I bought one. After what happened in New Orleans maybe I should not feel guilty about getting a generator paid for by the taxpayers.

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Top Reasons to Seek Online Homework Help

The reports of the US Department of Education Home suggest that homework can be a positive activity for children. Assignments can help students to gain knowledge, develop study skills, and become disciplined and responsible. However, too much homework can deprive them of sports and leisure activities. Also, homework problems can sometimes cause stress among students. Studies reveal that lack of proper homework help can make students lose interest in studying.
There are several reputable websites that recruit expert teachers, who help students with their homework. They assist students on a variety of subjects, including Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Science, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Computer Science and English. They help students to complete their Thesis, Essays, Data Analysis, Term Papers, Projects and Case Studies.
Benefits of Seeking Online Homework Help
Students have now started to notice the benefits of seeking online homework help. Tutors registered with these websites use proven methods to assist students with their assignments. Some of the benefits of seeking online assignment help are:
Academic Excellence 
Online tutors analyze the homework problems thoroughly and provide detailed solutions for them. They opt for a systematic method to solve problems. They focus on clarity of concepts and fundamentals. Further, they take a remedial approach towards the child's weakness in a particular subject. The tutors offer effective tips and ideas for problem solving. They also create a comprehensive learning environment for better understanding and motivation. All these activities are directed towards improving learning skills, grades and achieving academic excellence.
Personalized Mentoring 
Another benefit of seeking online assignment help is personalized mentoring, which the traditional coaching centers often fail to provide. Online tutors provide individual attention to every student. They provide customized homework help to suit the specific needs and requirements of each student. They monitor the academic progress of each child and prepare individualized programs according to his or her learning style and capability.
Further, the turnaround time between submission of the problem and receipt of the solution is significantly short. This helps to save a lot of time and allows the child to take part in other extra-curricular activities.

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Using Term Paper Examples in Your Writing

Writing a good term paper is very challenging to some students and without the help of external sources, completing or even starting the term paper will be a far-fetched dream. This example research script will therefore have the main objective of enabling the students to get a comprehensive analysis of what the whole term paper writing process is all about.
Every term paper writer requires a good topic on which his or her researched materials should be based. He has to discover materials which will be used to build his term paper and he also needs substantiation to support what he has researched. All these have to be arranged in a logical and appealing manner and this will be impossible to a novice who does not understand the intricacies of writing a research documents. Without relying on presentations made in an example research text, it will be totally impossible for the student to arrive at the desired success.
Looking at an example text, what should be a point of focus is the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Are these departments such that the student can draw conclusions from? A student looking at these papers must know what it entails writing a term paper if he or she must benefit from these paper. An example paper should just serve as a guideline paper to those already involved in the writing process. In fact, it should be a reference paper from which the student will have to draw inspiration from time to time.
The academic authorities realize and accept the fact that research is not a solitary process. A good term paper can be drawn from another term paper. So they are aware that there are example papers that students always tend to. A lot of students get into college and think that they will rely on their personal efforts to complete their research documents. But this proves wrong and they tend to take some motivation from an example paper. It is also academically accepted to take a look at these papers if they will be of help to the student. Some of these papers are full of useful tips which will take the student through the research process.
If you come across an example paper, look at the introduction. How does it grab the attention of the readers; how are the ideas developed; what form of evidence is used to fortify the writer's facts and what approach does the writer use to let the reader know that his or her position and conclusion is convincing? Will it be possible for you to follow this same line of attack?
Term paper example should only be viewed for motivation and should never be completely relied upon by students. You should never attempt to copy or rewrite an example paper. It will be easy for an instructor who knows you well to detect this and your term paper will never be given its due honor because of plagiarism.

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